Monday, November 25, 2013

Designer of the Day- Alice Temperley

By far the most critical and oft overlooked pillar of building a successful fashion company is client identification. If you know precisely who the woman is that you are designing for you will naturally generate consistency and a strong brand signature without even discussing them. This is because you will always know the answer to, "Would my client wear this?" Alice Temperley is a perfect example. All of her collections, including her bridal, sparkle with the same spirit and wit. Though she was raised on an English cider farm her designs possess an urbane sophistication. Yet any refinement is electrified with an adventurous and flat out fun energy. Luxurious but never stodgy, her woman is quite frankly someone most designers are dying to dress. 

Pre-Spring 13
A lovely ribbon of print in a perfectly draped gown. Elegant but lively.

Spring '13
There is often a spirit of romance in her work.

Pre-Fall '13
Alice at her most sophisticated and tailored.

Fall '13
She never fears packing a visual punch.

Spring '14
She can also be so soft and demure.

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