The only thing more hide bound and mired in meaningless tradition than religious clothing is menswear. The minor alteration of an anachronistic detail such as the narrowing of a collar is treated as innovative. To run into a collection that is truly unique is a treat. That's what makes a designer like Alexandre Plokhov so intriguing. His designs have an intensity to them that speaks to the nature of the man he dresses, not the culture that man was born into. There is an ease and a romance to his clothes. It is complex and a bit dark perhaps but too thoughtful to be brooding. His fabrics and fabrication are unmistakably modern and this keeps him from falling into the clutches of being dismissed as "goth".
Fall '11
His silhouettes accent a man's shape perfectly.
Spring '12
His designs are balanced between slim and relaxed, he understands that fit is crucial to menswear.
Fall '12
His detailing is often a major attraction. It makes his clothes feel fresh and new.
Spring '13
His fabric choices are luxurious but never dated.
Fall '13

He loves nuanced and complex textures which adds another layer of attraction.
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