Friday, May 31, 2013

Design Matters, Design of the Day, May 31st 2013, Clover Canyon

Design of the Day, Clover Canyon, Resort '13
Rozae Nichols is really striding higher & higher each season.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Design Matters, Design of the Day, May 30th 2013

Design of the Day, Akris Resort '13
Akris' Albert Kriemler is a master at soft structure & subtle power.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Design of the Day, May 29th 2013

Design Of The Day, Fendi Resort 2013
I love it when a designer takes many colors, uses them all and it's still not busy.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

Design Matters, Design Of The Day May 27th, 2013

Kaufman Franco, Fall '13
Kaufman Franco may be designing the sexiest clothes coming out of NYC right now.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Design of the Day, May 26th, 2013

Ostwald Helgason Fall '13
My store owner friends say Ostwald Helgason's S/S '13 is moving off the racks briskly. Betcha Fall '13-'14 does the same.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Design Of The Day, May 24th 2013

Wendy Nichol, Fall '13
If anybody knows Wendy Nichol please tell her I love her kinky ways...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Design Of The Day May 21st, Alon Livne

Alon Livne Fall '13
Next time someone tells you, "Oh everything's been done", staple a picture of an Alon Livne piece to their forehead and never speak to them again.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Design Of The Day, May 20th 2013

Andreas Melbostad for Diesel Black Gold Resort 2014

I honestly think Andreas Melbostad is just warming up at Diesel. Less than two full seasons in and he's already producing clothes that are spot on for the brand's client. I fully expect him to start showcasing more of his personal signature for S/S '14.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to be professional about money.

It seems as if there is a general lack of understanding about money's role to individuals in fashion so I thought I'd create a simple guide of how to be professional in your dealings with money that you will use to get people to do things for you.


2. Don't EVER promise a date of payment without really thinking about it. Make sure that you are 100% sure that as of the date in question you will send or deliver the amount you owe. People can't budget their finances without knowing exactly when they will get paid. When you fail to meet a date you can really mess up someone's life and lives of others who they promised they would pay because they depended upon you to be good to your word. Remember, an unkept promise is a lie you just gave birth to.

3. If you think there's no cost to you for playing games with money you owe; YOU'RE WRONG. There's a secret conversation in fashion that's in perpetual motion. It could be titled, "What's so and so's word worth?". It's happening right now, via text, and phone, Facebook and Gmail chat. I do it all the time, I have sources in the industry who know every single store's payment history. When they approach a client of mine I make a request and I get the truth, then I tell my client to go ahead or steer clear. The store will never know that it's their specific past history that's making the decision for me. Just cause you didn't see the consequence of your lies and poor behavior doesn't mean it didn't happen.

4. If your fundamental approach to paying people who've done work for you is, "how can I get the most out of this for me." You're a selfish prick and eventually PEOPLE WILL STOP WORKING WITH YOU. Your reputation will turn to shit and you'll only end up being able to deal with other people who are just as nasty as you are. Keep it simple, Negotiate, Contract, Honor the Contract.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A short note about how much I hate retro...

Can we please stop making ad's, images, collections, movies, TV, anything, everything... That are made to look like it's 1923,'33,'43,'53,'63,'73,'83,'93. It's 2013 and there are amazingly talented creative artists who are producing new work. Work born of ideas that are genuinely made of now and nothing but now. The money obsessed fashion and entertainment industries want you to buy that all that was amazing is in the past which is nonsense. Even a lot of my talented and very insightful friends doubt that there's anything revolutionary left in us. Don't you see that would defy all of human history? It's absurd. The line that comes to mind is from Richard Linklater's Dazed & Confused, " All I'm saying is that if I ever start referring to these as the best years of my life - remind me to kill myself. "

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